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Adult Education Workshop


Health education, physical education and sport, family / parent education




Target Group
The workshop addresses any lifelong learner who is interested in gaining an understanding of easy and enjoyable everyday strategies in relation to food and physical activity to improve health and prevent overweight and the risks associated with it. Applications by interested learners who experience social disadvantages will be favoured, applications by learners with special needs are very welcome.

Main activities
While overweight is an increasingly widespread health risk in all countries of the European Union, experience shows that it can be effectively prevented through only relatively small changes in habits related to eating and physical activity. In the course of the workshop, the learners will learn on food and physical activity as the most important aspects of overweight prevention and will reflect on improve their knowledge on easily applicable possibilities to make health-oriented decisions in daily life. Regular cooking sessions will allow the learners to practically experience inexpensive, tasty and healthy food and how easily it can be prepared. The learners will also practically get to know small and simple physical exercises easily incorporated into daily life.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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